McAfee Mobile Booster

App was launched in 2015, in 2016 Mobile Booster reached over 3 millions of active users. Mobile Booster received Quarterly Group Recognition Award, Product and Technology Innovation - highest number of downloads and active users of any new app from Intel Security in three years. Mobile Booster also received BMA Platinum Award - Best Business & Productivity App.

View McAfee Mobile Booster in Google Play Store

Any Android user experienced this - the battery charge on your Android device is dropping rapidly for no apparent reason, or it’s just dying faster than normal. What can be done for Android users to extend battery life and improve device speed and performance? Answer: We will build utility application to help non-technical Android users to track device status and improve its performance based on user’s behavior and device usage.

Simple, rough but very quickly developed screens helped to engage communication between designer (me), information architect and project owner.

Each layout, feature and entire app flow are tested in multiple usability testing sessions. Feedback is collected, analyzed and necessary changes are made.

Sticky notification bar allows user to improve device performance without opening app. Most of the time we can’t change technical terminology, but we can educate users and help users to understand technical lingo. After completing any task user can see summary with some details on what exactly was done. After performing task and seeing report on what was done, user actually doesn’t mind to see little advertisement.

McAfee Mobile Booster offers a complete device optimization solution for your Android smartphones and tablets. Battery Optimizer is designed to extend battery life, speed up your device, clean junk (unnecessary files and cache) and monitor your mobile data usage.